Friday, December 30, 2011

hollywoodwatergate mob names(household words)

its a fact i didnt have knowledge or a way out to speak to anyone,but i kept making the big time hit songs.i want to suggest to any interested paties out there to ask connie chung of revere camiles used to know this best pal in the revere rackets as josey.ask the twins camile and camella what they know of my moms initial doubling (mob has and uses doubles very much like hollywood does)how did mom get doubled disappear and how and/or who was the mastermind in all of this garbage from watergate to the mob connections? stupid me i went on to make tons of more original hit songs after this fiasco was initiated mid to late seventies .who had motive to get rid of my mom or anyone close or any witnesses i had,w/ me??????fact is i laffed at royalties thinking the 5 million was a joke and insult compared to all i had created and socked out.hit after hit gioven to mega stars making new stars mega stars,but when the measily 5 mill came in my family went nuts and were after every one close to me taking anyone and everyone out,while they shoved me toally out into the street....short career 14-15-then 35 to 45 then to 55 five and look @ all the people i have to thank for where and what i am to day .....SO FAR EVERYONE CLOSE DEAD.LOSERS ALL OVER ME AND STILL REIN.THE WHOLE MAFIA ENTOURAGE WAS BROT IN BY MY SIBS AND INLAWS IE: BULGER ,WAS WITH PISSANNY INLAWS AND THE MOB CREW UNDERLINGS OF GOTTI AND THE 5 FAMILIES WERE FROM THE TWIN SISTER INLAW.MY SIBLINGS LOYAL COVENTURERS TO MAFIA. TO BE CONTIN.....
note;someone stole the endictment book out of this library in lynn,ma. so i have to list all the names in another blog
for the first ten pages only @ least untill... i can find that book again.....
,and....please somebody ask my 2 dedicated and loving siblings&family :How does it feel,
 to be so goddam jelous all your freakin' life- u can't even c strate?!!!!,(now ,thats gotta' hurt-....donnut?....).???

Thursday, December 29, 2011

this hollywood watergate thing

theres a book called how to write a hit song by ann lieken and she statescertain songs are not trivia but in sum songs done by  wham ,im your man etc.  are the industry standards .well thanks....its mine verbatim 3 out of four songs she mentions were plagiarized off me verbatim and a 1985 book she states royalties from one hit song are 100 grand per year there abouts per year per song and i made hundreds of hits all stolen off me and musta made be continued
see also: hollywoodwatergate at blogspot dot com for other info
see ya happy newyear 2012 to you all!
lets go to plagiarists pat benetar comming to lynn north shore massachusetts jan.2012 to do all my songs that were ripped off me in secret and plagiarized: hell is for children
hit me w/ your best punch
love is a battlefield
etc etc etc etc....and i see also HERES A PLAGIARIST: i made this hit song
Gleason: the lawyer meeting and the other witness could have been "tupak" another plagiarists but cant say what he took rite now but her signal if she disappeared and was in trouble in jersey while w/ me was weathering heights
guess who was w/ her in weathering heights not only tupak(if it was him for sure i don't know no one told me a thing just sign as witness to a will for someone off to Fla.) that looked similar or same as other witness in lawyers office this moring but ,so was this big hit plagiarists w/ her in weathering heights,for reference sake here's the song the other plagiarists ,w/ her in weatherheights plagiarized for the record
i made and did this song hit no one else
....but point is I'm giving you secret info you must respect or this hollywoodwatergate will continue .a financial hostge in jersey is not unlike the thousands of unreported unsolved Jane doe murders understand.they do this cause they can.period.
you have my word of honor i know by everything so far she is a person in trouble and its over this situation period thanks .i will never give you info again if you slaughter my credibility rite now.
the biggest bastard was gilmore and she was pushed on me by dorothy obrien she told me about zapping people too first and david gilmore is easily paid and the name is all over jersey city and my stuff (later details if asked) and he is on the weathering heights katebush plagiarist song i did late seventies early 80s
i cant tell a soul but a goddess i know knew everything and i dont know if i can tell you but its cause i dont want anymore on our side killed or suffering ravaged tortured or hurt understand and rebrief the commander and cheif...while your at it get my military medal back off my sister and pisani please
and got ripped off and plagiarized THINK OF THE ROYALTIES